Don's Party (1976)
Category: Retro

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Erotic
Directed by: Bruce Beresford
Starring: Ray Barrett, Clare Binney, Pat Bishop, Graeme Blundell, Jeanie Drynan, John Hargreaves, Harold Hopkins, Graham Kennedy, Veronica Lang, Candy Raymond, Kit Taylor, John Gorton
Description: The movie Dons Party is about a wild house party in a suburban Australian neighbourhood. Don Henderson convinces his wife to have another party so that their friends can gather to watch the election, drink and carry on. Dons wife, Kath sees the party as just more work, while Don sees it as a chance to break his boring routine. The year is 1969 and some of Dons friends have jumped on the bandwagon of sexual freedom and experimentation. However, others at the party are more conservative about their politics and sex, and naturally, arguments break out over politics and fist fights erupt over the seduction of others wives.
Country: Australia
Duration: 01:26:35
Language: English
Quality: DVDRip
Format: MP4
Size: 1,32 GB
See also
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