
Genre: Sex comedy Directed by: Gilberto Martinez Solares Starring: Alfonso Zayas, Alberto Rojas, Lina Santos

Also Known As: Sindrome del apocalipsis Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Jorge Noble Starring: Alfredo Leal, Gabriela Goldsmith, Yirah Aparicio

Genre: Sex Comedy Directed by: Sergio Vejar Starring: Rebeca Silva, Lilia Prado, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Arlette Pacheco, Rafael Inclan

Also known as: Up the Pentagon, Up the Military Year: 1985 Genre: Comedy Directed by: Andrew Sugerman Starring: Ann Dusenberry, Rhonda Shear, Angela Aames, Walter Gotell, William A. Forester, Gerard Prendergast Description: Melinda comes to Washington DC to visit her friend Debbie, and to find a

Description: Enttäuscht von der gescheiterten Ehe mit seiner drogensüchtig gewordenen und zur Prostitution herabgesunkenen Frau hat der Seemann Rik den Glauben an die Liebe total verloren. Mädchen, die sich ihm gern und bereitwillig hingeben, verachtet er nur. Seine einzige

Description: Story about a girl who, tired of her step-mother and her step-mother's gigolo, goes to a boarding-school and falls in love with a woman who runs it.

Original title: Can You Keep It Up for a Week? Genre: Sex Comedy Directed by: Jim Atkinson Starring: Jeremy Bulloch, Neil Hallett, Jill Damas, Joy Harington, Maria Coyne, Lynne Ross, Valerie Phillips, Frances Bennett, Sally Harrison, Sue Longhurst, Sally Lahee

Original title: Gas Pump Girls Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Joel Bender Starring: Kirsten Baker, Linda Lawrence, Sandy Johnson

Original title: Luxure aka Sweet Taste of Honey ( hard version ) Genre: Drama, Softcore Directed by: Max Pecas Starring: Karine Gambier, Richard Darbois, Pierre Danny,

Original title: Club prive / Club prive pour couples avertis, House of 1000 Pleasures Year: 1974 Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Max Pecas Starring: Philippe Gaste, Chantal A