
Original title: The Boob Tube Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Christopher Odin Starring: John Alderman, Colleen Brennan, Lyllah Torena

La busqueda aka Die Suche, Coartada, The Search: La justicia de Sally Year: 1985 Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller Directed by: Juan Carlos Desanzo Starring: R

Aka: Bottoms Up Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Franz Josef Gottlieb Starring: Alena Penz, Alexander Grill, Rinaldo Talamonti, Alexander Miller, Eva Garden, Sissy Lowinger, Gerd Eichen, Erhard 'Bimbo' Weller, Jurgen Schilling,

Los placeres ocultos / Playback1989 Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery, Erotic Directed by: Rene Cardona Jr. Starring: Sonia Infante, Humberto Zurita, Angela

La casa que arde de noche1985 Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Rene Cardona Jr. Starring: Sonia Infante, Jeannette Mass, Princesa Lea, Lyn May Description: A prostit

El rey de las ficheras aka Los plomeros 2 1988 Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Victor Manuel Castro Starring: Maria Cardinal, Jeannette Mass, Rosario Esco

Los gatos de las azoteas 1988 Genre: Comedy, Erotic Director: Gilberto Martinez Solares Starring: Lina Santos, Rossy Mendoza, Yirah Aparicio, Michelle Mayer, Maribel Fe

Original title: Un macho en el reformatorio de senoritas Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Victor Manuel Castro Starring: Lina Santos, Felicia Mercado, Hilda Aguirre, Rosario Escobar, Jacqueline Castro, Liliana Castro, Gabriela del Valle

Aka: Die Girls vom Crazy Horse Genre: Musical, Erotic, Documentary Directed by: Alain Bernardin Starring: John Lennox, Alain Bernardin, Vanilla Banana

Un macho en el salon de belleza 1987 Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Victor Manuel Castro Starring: Lizbeth Olivier, Diana Ferreti, Abril Campillo, Liliana Castro D