Original title: Have You Ever Been On A Trip? Genre: Softcore Directed by: Tom Parker Starring: Cheryl Powell, Jane Barber, Michael Barber

The Lusty Neighbors 1970 Genre: Softcore Directed by: Unknown Starring: Gerard Broulard, Ron Dyer, Cheryl Powell, Phyllis Stengel Description: A twenty-something b

Original title: The Boob Tube Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Christopher Odin Starring: John Alderman, Colleen Brennan, Lyllah Torena

Aka: Bottoms Up Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Franz Josef Gottlieb Starring: Alena Penz, Alexander Grill, Rinaldo Talamonti, Alexander Miller, Eva Garden, Sissy Lowinger, Gerd Eichen, Erhard 'Bimbo' Weller, Jurgen Schilling,

Aka: Die Girls vom Crazy Horse Genre: Musical, Erotic, Documentary Directed by: Alain Bernardin Starring: John Lennox, Alain Bernardin, Vanilla Banana

Incoming Freshmen 1979 Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Eric Lewald, Glenn Morgan Starring: Ashley Vaughn, Leslie Blalock, Richard Harriman, Jim Overbey, B.M. Culpepp

Aka: Raquel's Motel Genre: Erotic Starring: Uschi Digart, Nora Wieternik, Maria Arnold

Original title: The Cheerleaders Also known as: Return to Montclair High, The 18 Year Old Schoolgirls Year: 1973 Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Paul Glickler Starring: Stephanie Fondue,

Aka: Liebe ohne Stundenplan, O Medico e a Estudante Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Silvio Amadio Starring: Gloria Guida, Jacques Dufilho, Pino Colizzi

Aka: Une vierge pour Saint-Tropez Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Georges Friedland Starring: Marianne Remont, Jean-Pierre Delamour, Paul Muller