Original title: Las chicas del tanga Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Jesus Franco, Lina Romay Starring: Lina Romay, Eva Leon, Muriel Montosse, Analia Ivars, Juana Plaza

Aka: The House of Lost Women Genre: Erotic, Drama Directed by: Jess Franco Starring: Lina Romay, Antonio Mayans, Carmen Carrion, Asuncion Calero, Antonio Rebollo

Aka: Obscene Mirror / Lo Specchio Del Piacere Genre: Drama, Horror, Adult Directed by: Jesus Franco Starring: Alice Arno, Emma Cohen, Philippe Lemaire, Francoise Brion, Chantal Broquet, Lina Romay, Howard Vernon, Robert Woods

Aka: Cries Of Pleasure Genre: Thriller, Erotic Directed by: Jesus Franco Starring: Lina Romay, Rocio Freixas, Antonio Mayans

Aka: Women in Cellblock 9 / Tropical Inferno Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Erotic Directed by: Jesus Franco Starring: Karine Gambier, Howard Vernon, Susan Hemingway

Aka: Eugenie de Sade Genre: Erotic, Thriller, Drama Directed by: Jesus Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring: Soledad Miranda, Paul Muller, Greta Schmidt, Alice Arno, Andrea Montchal, Jesus Franco

Aka: Barbed Wire Dolls / Caged Women Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Erotica Directed by: Jesús Franco Starring: Lina Romay, Paul Muller, Monica Swinn

Aka: Seda roja Genre: Comedy, Crime, Erotic Directed by: Jesus Franco Starring: Lina Romay, Christie Levin, Paul Lapidus, Anna Stern, Ron Franciscus

aka: Les gardiennes du penitencier Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Alain Deruelle (as Allan W. Steeve), Jesus Franco Starring: Didier Aubriot, Eugenie Laborde, Michael Bates

Aka: Diary of a Nymphomaniac Genre: Erotic, Drama Directed by: Jess Franco (as Clifford Brown) Starring: Howard Vernon, Doris Thomas, Anne Libert, Jacqueline Laurent, Montserrat Prous, Kali Hansa, Francisco Acosta, Manuel Pereiro