Original title: Video Centerfold: Playmate of the Year - Tiffany Fallon Genre: Erotica Directed by: Scott Allen Starring: Tiffany Fallon, Ryan Fraley, Greg Zavaleta, Jonathan Sarhanis, Bill Houskeeper

Original title: Playboy - Prime Time Playmates Genre: Erotica Writer: Logan S. Porter Starring: Pamela Anderson, Jaime Bergman, Angel Boris Reed, Julie Cialini, Laura Cover, Lisa Dergan, Daphne Duplaix, Anna Marie Goddard, Stephanie Heinrich, Lauren Hill

Playboy Video Centerfold: Playmate of the Year - Kara Monaco Year: 2006 Genre: Erotic Directed by: Scott Allen Starring: Kara Monaco, Alison Waite, Christine Smith Descripti

Original title: Playboy Video Centerfold: Luann Lee Genre: Documentary, Erotic Starring: Luann Lee, Cheryl Butler, Katherine Hushaw, Kym Malin, Christine Richters

Original title: Playboy: Playmates Revisited Genre: Erotica Directed by: Scott Allen Starring: India Allen, Cynthia Brimhall, Barbara Edwards, Ava Fabian, Lillian Müller, Susie Scott, Kathy Shower, Cathy St. George

Original title: Playboy Exposed: Naughty Wives Party Year: 2001 Genre: Erotic Starring: Antoinette Abbott, Lara Lasher

Original title: Playboy Exposed: Truth or Dare Party Genre: Erotic Starring: Angel Cassidy, Laurie Wallace

Original title: Playboy: Night Calls American Style Year: 2002 Genre: Show, Erotic Directed by: Brian Linton Starring: Tera Patrick, Crystal Knight, Kitana Baker, Nikki Nova, Cheyene Silver, Tanya Danielle, Nikki Llauren

Original title: The Girls of the Cabaret Royale Genre: Documentary, Erotic Directed by: Bob Kubilos Starring: Nikki, Cher, Kim, Kathleen, Christine

Aka: Strip, Sexy Showgirls Dirty Dancers Genre: Erotic Directed by: Scott Allen Starring: Sharon Alexander, Miklyn Delaro, De'lila, Kelli Glenn, Stephanie Hayden, Heather LaPointe, Raquel, Melissa Shock, Luca Smith,